Some people have a hard time putting themselves out there to meet new people, then others struggle with pulling themselves away from the people when it's time to leave. I'm
defineatly dealing with the 2nd part, "Sexy Rex" Separation Anxiety. (It's real, look it up.) This first semester has taught me so many things. It showed me how fast things change, and that "adapting" isn't just a phrase used for the zoo animals.. Even though I have met some pretty wild creatures.. ehemm I mean kids here. I feel like my heart has grown 10 times bigger because there is so many people to love on this campus. Today, for example, I did a little experiment.. I smiled at everyone I saw walking across campus.
Every single one who I caught eye contact with, smiled back! Where else in the world would that happen?! I love being able to feel the Spirit wherever I go here. My testimony has grown so much. I'm forever grateful to every person I met, every teacher who taught me, and every peaceful feeling that the Spirit blessed me with. This has been an unforgettable semester! :]

Lunchtrays+dorm hills= our new hobby.
Don't worry, we found way better hills and real sleds.. but hey the lunchtrays served us well.
My ward is amazing! We have the coolest guys, and the funnest girls. I've loved serving as Visiting Teaching Coordinator for all my sweet girls. 61st ward is the best!
p.s. Knitted sweaters from D.I. are totally in this season. :]