Me and Taylor were talking the other day in church (don't worry it was a reverent kinda talk, mom) and she asked me "remember when we were 12 and thought the Deacons were the cutest boys alive" and i said "ya, i'd sit on the aisle seats so i could get a better look when they passed the Sacrament". Haha we were defineatly dorks, but it struck me how long ago that was.. i'm 19, and every birthday my Grandma reminds me to stop comparing myself to an old lady. She's right. I have so much life left to live! I decided to put together a Bucket List.. literally. (Pics will be up shortly)
Always remember to slow down in life; live, breathe, and learn; take a look around you whenever you have time and never forget everything and every person that has the least place within your heart.
Don't get me wrong, i'm already filling up my time and journal with fun fuNNN things.

Here's a sample spoon full (can you tell i got Ocean Blue on my mind? :] )

Kenzie, Rachel, and me rented out 12 West Venue for our combined birthday parties.
BORN TO BE WILD theme, barbaric inflateable boxing ring, killa beats all night long, party of the year. :]
Late night trips to QT with my pals.
Soaking up the Cali sun during Spring Break with Ang and some cute, new friends.
Team Sexy (Rexburg friends) came down to AZ to visit Mae, me, and Tiff!
Nathan Askins left to Brazil, he will be an incredible missionary!
oh, and i learned how to turn a shirt into a skirt.. NBD.

Kels= Vannah White
Our rad friends threw a Hot Rod Party.

Cam's farewell. Give 'em Heaven, Elder! :]
Susanna is visiting from Finland! (she was our stuco exchange student my Junior Year.) SO happy to have her back. "Moi mit a kuuluu" :]
Gotta give props to my country inspiration, thanks Mr. Chesney. "100 years goes faster than you think, so don't blink."