if i could write a letter and send it to my younger self,
it would sound something like this:
Dear Kari,
You have a big heart, so fill it up with as much love as you can.
Don't waste time in junior high trying to be "popular" or "fit in".
Be goofy. Be original. Be yourself, and don't regret that.
You will have plenty of great friends because of it.
Stand up for the kids around you who get picked on.
To have a friend, you must BE a friend.
Don't be so sad that you didn't make the cheer squad at first.
Pick yourself up and try again... the second time is the charm. ;)
Let Dad take a billion pictures of you running cross country.
He is just proud of you for following in his footsteps.
Keep having fun, but don't let your grades suffer.
Remember that a positive attitude can move mountains.
Don't be embarassed that Mom&Dad are involved with your activities.
Be grateful that you have parents that put their kids first.
When it comes to boys, don't worry so much.
You will date some dummies... and have your heart broken.
But you will get over it and be happy again.
Your relationships will help you realize what you want in a spouse.
I know that seems far off... but that time is just around the corner.
Don't ever let a guy ruin a good friendship.
Real true friends are hard to come by.
Stay home more often. Your family misses you when you're gone.
Be open with Mom and Dad throughout your life.
They love you no matter what and they've got great advice.
Let Mom teach you how to sew and cook.
You will be so glad you asked her once you're married.
Keep letting your little brother hang out with you and your friends.
He is a sweetheart and always builds you up.
Get used to saving some of your money.
It's always good to have a rainy day fund just in case.
You're lucky you will always be surrounded by uplifting friends.
You will have so many fond memories to look back on.
You will marry an extremely handsome, fun, sweet guy someday.
And because you were both committed to staying worthy,
you'll be sealed together for eternity in the temple.
You and me both have a great future ahead of us,
so stay happy and be kind. Everything else will fall into place.