Sunday, June 29, 2014

34 weeks update

july is pretty much here!
which means only one more month (most likely) until we're parents!!!

pregnancy update:

HOW FAR ALONG? 34 weeks, 3 days
TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN: i stopped looking at the scale ;)
MATERNITY CLOTHES? i bought a few, but mostly wearing will's t-shirts around these days
STRETCH MARKS? i got my first little one on my lady lumps, which means THEY'RE GROWING!!!
MOVEMENT: so much, and her hiccups are too cute!
SLEEP: not the easiest thing in the world with my peanut-sized bladder
FOOD CRAVINGS: watermelon and chocolate milk, yum!
ANYTHING MAKING YOU SICK? not really, just when i eat too much
GENDER: a beautiful GIRL!
BELLY BUTTON: IN/OUT? it's an outie! 
LOOKING FORWARD TO: finishing my AS degree this month and finally meeting our baby!

Monday, June 16, 2014

maternity pictures

i couldn't wait to share our maternity pictures we took in st. george this past weekend!
will was behind the camera for most of them and did an incredible job!

pregnancy has been the most amazing experience so far.
every day we are blown away by how much stronger her movements inside me get.
while we were in st. george we felt her hiccuping for the first time and it was adorable.
each ultrasound has been like christmas to us and we cherish every little growing milestone.
this baby girl is coming at the perfect time, and has been long awaited and prayed for.
we couldn't be more excited to meet her!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

st. george

this weekend we took a little "baby moon" vacation to st. george, ut.
we did a whole lot of relaxing by the pool and in the jetted jacuzzi we had in our room.
we also ate lots of yummy food (of course) and did some exploring in town.
it was the perfect break from the stresses of everyday life and brought us so much closer.
we took some maternity pictures ourselves with the pretty red rocks down there too.
(pictures to come soon, but the new cover photo is one of them.)
oh and drum roll please... i got ready every day. makeup, jewelry, and all! 
that was a big accomplishment in itself since i've been getting more tired and lazy by the day.
it was so great having this last trip to focus 100% on eachother before the baby comes.
now we're ready to push through our summer classes (the last day is my due date!)
and get ready for our lives to flip upside down when our sweet girl arrives in august.
oooooh can't wait! 

Saturday, June 7, 2014


i'm not sure if i've mentioned it on here before but i LOVE swimming!
this week i've gotten to do a whole lot of that and it's been awesome.
i started teaching a swim class and some private lessons 2 days a week in the mornings.
it's brought back a lot of good memories from the 5 summers i taught in the past.
i don't know if it's the arizona girl in me who lived at the city pool every summer to survive,
or maybe i'm just part fish. either way, i can't wait to teach our baby girl just how great it is!
will and i decided this year's summer tradition is a trip to one of the city pools every weekend.
it's a lot of fun playing "would you rather" and showing off our underwater tricks.

yay for the start of summer and more adventures together!