it's incredible how much of a personality sadie has developed in just 3 weeks!
we really lucked out with how mellow and content she is.
she really only puts up a fuss when we give her a bath or sometimes when getting changed.
she is becoming more alert and wide-eyed as time goes on too which is fun!
after i nurse her, she will usually be awake for a good while just looking around.
she probably isn't going to lose any of her pretty brown hair in the back either,
because we can never put her down!
sadie likes:
-her binky, big time
-music and being sang to
-having staring contests with whoever and whatever she sees
-car rides and just being in her carrier (with her binky)
-snuggles and being swaddled
-being fed of course.. sometimes i even catch a quick smile right after
mommy likes:
- napping together in the bed
-her little grunts and coos (especially when she nurses)
-that she both nurses and takes the bottle great
-our family walks around the neighborhood
-that she sleeps through practically all noises
-that daddy is such a huge help with diaper changes
daddy likes:
-kissing her all over
-family snuggles while we have a movie night
-picking out clothes for her
-giving her baths. it's kind of his forte. :)
this past weekend my parents came to visit again (my dad had meetings in provo).
it was a blast hanging out with them again and having more help with the baby.
while they were here, sadie experienced some more firsts:
-first swim. we took her in the hotel pool 2 days in a row, and she didn't cry once!
-first soccer game (cheering on my nephew's team).
-first time meeting cousins on the LeSueur side of the family (they adored her).
-first time to church. she slept through it all and i found the "mothers' room".
we're having the time of our lives watching you grow little bug!