i can't believe that in a few days our baby won't be a baby anymore!
i know everyone says it, but they really do grow so fast!
although this first year of life has required a lot of patience on both our end and hers,
i speak for us both when i say we would do it all over again in a heartbeat.
sadie really has exceeded all of my expectations on raising a baby though.
from sleeping through the night well starting at just a few months old...
and nursing like a champ with me for 12 months straight (my goal!),
to hardly making a fuss when her first 2 teeth were coming through.
in one year's time she has learned to roll over, sit, crawl, stand, go up and down stairs,
say "mama", "dada", "hi", "yes", "no", and a whole lot of jibberish,
give "loves" (hugs) and kisses, throw balls (dad's excited), stack blocks,
and making every day of our lives 1,000x better by being in it!
she is friendly, energetic, loud, and all of the strangers who have stopped us will agree..
happy 1st on monday, little bug!
we are so excited for the next year of life exploring and growing up with you!