Hi! I promise we're still alive and well over here... I've completely dropped the ball on blogging the whole holiday season so I'll just give a quick recap and blast you with pictures from each holiday! First off, Sadie is a walking/climbing/talking machine! She has really come out of her shell since we moved down to Arizona at the beginning of last summer. Since she's an only child right now, I try to expose her to as many kid-packed environments as possible so she will learn important things like sharing, ya know? She goes to nursery on Sundays, the gym's childcare center several days a week, and has lots of playdates. All of those activities are SOOO nice for me to have too ;) Will's new business has taken off and he enjoys the change of pace from the restoration work he did in Utah. He is such a hard worker and never ceases to amaze me with the plans he makes and achieves for our family. He has blessed us so much the past 5 years with his hard work and entrepreneur drive. I am feeling so blessed for the opportunity to stay home with Sadie during these precious years to teach her before she's all grown up and off to school. She is getting smarter and more beautiful by the day (which I did NOT think was possible!) Her latest feats are putting 2 words together ("Hi Mommy", "1, 2, 3", etc.) and associating what we say with actions ("Time for prayer".. she folds her arms, "Can I have a kiss?"..gives kiss, etc.) Her most recent word is "Thank you" and she loves to read books with pictures of animals so she can make the noises. She is obsessed with slides (we have a small one in our loft now), playing "Mom" to her baby dolls (especially Rapunzel), pushing her stroller around, packing on all of Mom's jewelry, and eating melons. She also loves to randomly yell and laugh at other people's jokes haha. We are so glad she's got such a vibrant personality!
Now on to the pictures!
We had so much fun picking a pumpkin at the "patch" this year... AKA: Brimhall pool ;)
Trick or treating down Main Street in Mesa was the highlight of our Halloween!
Some of the awesome costumes at our family Halloween party
Sadie's Thanksgiving outfit was on point :)
We hosted another Friendsgiving dinner which was a (yummy) blast!

Will and I took an overnight trip to Flagstaff to snowboard during the break
Would it be bad to say I was hoping we'd get one of these shots while she was a kid? hahaha
Mesa temple lights were gorgeous as always!
We spent Christmas in Utah with Will's family and took Sadie sledding for the first time.
She was actually really happy about it until the snow got sprayed on her face.. I'd cry too.
Traditional Christmas Eve picture with the cousins in matching jammies
Somebody made "the nice list"
Loved pulling in and out of the driveway all month long and seeing our pretty lights!
New Year's Eve was fun too! We spent the first part of the night eating Olie Bolen (dutch donuts that are a family tradition for New Year's Eve) with my family and shooting off fireworks. Then, we left Sadie with my parents and went dancing with a group of friends. It was such a fun night!