We had such a fun, eventful holiday weekend. We knew we wouldn't be able to leave town for the whole time but desperately needed to escape the heat for a bit. On Saturday, I found an awesome event going on in Scottsdale at West World (a giant indoor venue) with rides, trampoline shows, yummy food stands, and a special toddler area full of slides, inflatable obstacle courses and a bounce house for 5 years old and under. Sadie would have been fine playing there all night. There were also 4 Disney princesses there! Sadie wouldn't give Cinderella and Ariel the time of day and just kept staring and pointing at Elsa and Anna the whole time we were trying to get a picture of her with them. She was bouncing with excitement when they looked over at her and waved. She was a little hesitant to walk over to them alone, but ended up giving them a hug and high-fives. It was so dang cute! We didn't quite make it until the fireworks show there at the end, so while we were driving home, we ended up stopping at a gas station to watch the Chandler fireworks show for a little while.

Cramping her style..
On Sunday, we enjoyed going to church earlier in the day. Will and I both serve in the Primary and with so many people being out of town, I'm glad we were able to be there and help cover all the bases. Since our church time is 12-3, Sadie usually ends up falling asleep on the short drive home and taking a late nap. After she woke up, we dropped her off at Grandma's for a sleepover (thanks, Mom!) and drove up to Roosevelt Lake to meet up with some friends. We camped literally 50 ft. from the water and stayed up late playing campfire games and talking. We woke up to this beauty at the crack of dawn:
Then we spent over 6 hours on the lake! Will and I have the sunburns to prove it.. :(
But it was well worth it and such a blast! We all got to wake board, wake surf, and cling onto the tube for dear life.
On the drive home, we hit up a hole-in-the-wall Mexican food place and it was so good! We got to my parents' house right after Sadie woke up from her nap and hurried home to get ready for our family swim party. It's so nice having access to pools right in our neighborhood! We were shocked when we had this whole pool to ourselves. Everyone brought sides to share and my mom made her delicious Sloppy Joe's. It was a fun time!
Once it got dark and we had all gone home, I heard fireworks going off really close to our house and peeked outside. Our neighbors across the street were shooting off a whole bunch of fireworks in the culdesac right in front of our house. Will, Sadie, and me set up our camping chairs in the driveway and enjoyed the show. Sadie wasn't even scared of the whistlers and loudest ones. It was nice not having to drive anywhere to enjoy fireworks. This was definitely the most fun 4th of July weekend I've ever had!