Sunday, September 24, 2017

Sadie's 1st Haircut

The fact that Sadie's first haircut requires a post of it's own tells you how much of an emotional person I am.. haha. But for three years, this babe has not had a single hair cut off of her head! We just got it trimmed with a few light layers, so the difference probably isn't even obvious.. but guys! These were the blonde curls she had as a tiny baby that were cut off. And yes, I definitely saved them in a little plastic bag for her baby book. It's just another step up to big kid she's made recently. She's looking so grown up now!

Sadie Tee Ball

A couple of weeks ago, we signed Sadie up for tee ball. After hearing about an all-girls team of 3 & 4 year olds that plays locally, Will was sold. He had played (both tee ball and baseball) for years as a kid and convinced me that she wasn't too young to start learning the sport. I'm glad he did because it has been so fun to watch her! The first week, she was pretty clueless and ran to the wrong bases and got bored fast in the outfield. She bonded with her little teammates though and did a great job sticking it out in the heat. The second week, she had already improved alot and was chasing balls and hitting off the tee the first try when she was up to bat. It was a confidence boost for her I'm sure. Anytime she didn't get to the ball faster than a teammate, she would ask them nicely if she could have it though.. haha. Her favorite part is giving high-fives to the other team and saying "good game" to each player at the end. There's not much competitive drive in this one yet, but at least she has good sportsmanship!


23 weeks

We made it past the halfway mark! This pregnancy has been a little tougher for me both physically and emotionally. I am still feeling some morning sickness on most days and definitely have moments where I feel like I'm going a little crazy. I am SO beyond grateful for our little blessing though coming in just 4 months! I feel like the time left will fly by with the holiday season coming up. 

Here are my current updates:

How far along: 23 weeks
Total weight gain: 10 lbs.
Stretch marks: None yet from this pregnancy
Sleep: Surprisingly well still!
Best moment this week: Watching my other baby girl in her dance class and teeball
Miss anything: Fitting into some of my favorite clothes
Movement: Yes! Lots of kicks and rolling around throughout the day, but especially late at night. Will has felt some too!
Food cravings: Sugar and chocolate :)
Food aversions: Fried, greasy, and acidic foods.. heartburn stinks.
Gender: GIRL
Belly button: Top half out, bottom half in still
Happy or moody: Both!
Looking forward to: A few fall trips and holiday parties