Saturday, December 2, 2017

33 Weeks

Where has the time gone?! I can't believe that next month is baby month! Everyone told me it flies by much quicker the 2nd time around and boy were they right. Nearing the end of this pregnancy is bringing me a lot of emotion.. We are excited to snuggle our little girl and watch her learn and grow alongside her sister. I'd be lying though, if I didn't say I'm also feeling anxiety and fear too. I get stressed when thinking about how I will split my time and attention between the girls. Sadie has been my little bestie for 3 & 1/2 years now and I'm nervous about her feelings with the big change. Most mothers I've talked to have been through these same emotions though, and assure me that everyone transitions just fine with time. Will keeps reminding me that my heart isn't going to split between the two, it will simply grow to allow even more room for each kid we have. I love that man's positive reassurance.

How far along: 33 weeks
Total weight gain: 18 lbs.
Stretch marks: Not that I can see yet
Ring on/off: On
Sleep: Between baby bouncing on my bladder, kennel training our puppy, and a toddler who is a nightowl, not so great anymore..
Best moment this week: Decorating for Christmas time
Miss anything: Not having my belly hang out of almost every shirt I own.. small sacrifice to pay though!
Movement: Alot! Especially late at night
Food cravings: SWEETS but what else is new?
Food aversions: Still greasy food
Gender: Girl
Belly button: Outie!
Happy or moody: Both
Looking forward to: A full month of holiday festivities