1. School
This semester i'm taking classes at MCC on Southern and Dobson. It's way nice because i picked them so that i only have classes in the morning and just 2 each day, perfect for my short attention span. :] I'm trying a whole mess of random: Chemistry, Intro to Art, Child Development, and Health. I'm following in my brother John's advice to "dabble in different areas till it hits you for sure what you want." I'm almost 100% sure that im gonna stick with Social Work as my major, but figured i'd invest in some other fun classes this semester. Change is good, and you can't have TOO much of a good thing right? right.
2. Work
I started the job hunt kinda hesitant about working anywhere other than at the pool teaching the kids. (My summer job which i absolutely love.) But when a spot opened for a waitress at Gecko Grill, my sweet friends helped me nail it! (Thanks Mae and Angie!) Everyone is like family there, so it's always a fun time going into work. The cooks are hilarious, and the sweetest men alive. And I feel like everybody took me under wing the second I put on that pink shirt and apron. :]
3. Boys
Okay so I kinda just put this one on the list for dramatic affect.. Haha really there isn't a "special someone" in my life right now. But I've met lots of awesome R.M.'s since i've been home, and gone on some rockin dates. Last weekend was one of the best ones! Nick O'Sick took me out, and his buddy Sirel took Elle Harris out. They took us to the Jack N the Box parking lot where they blindfolded us and drove us to some REALLY nice house (which i later found out was my friend Leah's). We had a yummy Italian dinner, then had to feed dessert to eachother blindfolded. Haha we were a mess! Then the boys took us to Sirel's sister's house in Queen Creek where we did swing dancing, and got a full spa treatment from them (all while blindfolded). After that, we shaved their faces and munched on popcorn while watching a video of the whole night. His brother had been follwing us all night with a video camera, funniest thing ever to watch! Shout out to all the single guys out there: think outside the box for your dates, everyone will have the best time when it's creative! :] ___________________________________________________
Now that "normal talk" is covered, let's hit up the rest of my time spent! God has been showering me with blessings since i've been home, and i can't thank Him enough for His love and tender mercy He has put into my world. Since I'm not taking English this semester, i don't feel the need to write out everything in complete sentences. Please forgive me. :]
Summin' up my favorite 2010 memories so far:
- Dancing all night at Game Works on New Years Eve
- Hot tubbing at Roman's
- Ice blocking, and human obstacle courses
- Bonfires and meeting old men with Tay :]
- Cabin trip with Mae and Tay
- Getting a tour of MCC from my homeboy Cory, star of the football team
- Feeding sweet homeless people
- Tyler Sandberg's goodbye party
- Fitting 20 people into Kenzie's hot tub
- Ron's farewell with Taran, catching up with old Mesa friends
- Ron's farewell with Taran, catching up with old Mesa friends
- Backflips and dodgeball at Jumpstreet
- M&M throwing competitions with the boys at Britt's house
- M&M throwing competitions with the boys at Britt's house
- Blindfold date with Nick, Sirel, and Elle
- Dance parties and starting the cool "shoulder dancing" with Mae
- Milkshakes and grilled cheese cookin with my nieces and nephews.
- Learning sports from Matt and Kyle
- Ice skating trains- Movie nights in Leah's theatre room

- Apple Store story time from Greg and his co-workers
- Amazing front row seats at Reflections of Christ fireside
My philosophy on keeping life exciting: Everday is a new blank canvas, throw all the paint you can on it! Try out new things, and meet some new friends. There are so many oppurtunities and great people out there just waiting to meet you, so always have an open heart and big smile. It's amazing all the happiness simply doing that will bring for you. :]
My philosophy on keeping life exciting: Everday is a new blank canvas, throw all the paint you can on it! Try out new things, and meet some new friends. There are so many oppurtunities and great people out there just waiting to meet you, so always have an open heart and big smile. It's amazing all the happiness simply doing that will bring for you. :]
Wait, what about BYU-I? And I'm glad you're having so much fun. Go Kari! :D