I'm a desert girl; born and raised in Mesa, Arizona. So of course it came as a big shock to me that the guy who would give me that can't eat, can't sleep, reach for the stars, world series kinda feeling would come from Woods Cross, Utah. When i say "shock", i don't mean the lick your finger and stick it into an electrical outlet kinda "shock".. more like the yummy, bright "Shock"tarts candies i can't seem to go without eating 3 bags at a time of. That's how I feel about this boy.. i just can't get enough! Will Betenson is my other half, he's better than any amazing thing i could dream of. Let me spell that out for you.. Willy > Russell Crowe. Willy > fudge brownies. Willy > cuddly Beagle pups. I'm SO excited to marry my best friend. This thought makes me the happiest and luckiest girl in the world! We will be getting hitched in the Mesa, Arizona temple on March 10, 2011, partying like rockstars at the reception that night, honeymooning in the enchanted land of Oahu, Hawaii :] , then shortly after will be moving up to Sugarhouse, UT to start our new life together. Talk about a wonderful mouthful.. which again ties this back into Shocktarts, mm heading to the candy aisle!

call me if you need any help in married life! I AM SERIOUS. anything at all!