Last weekend we drove down to Arizona for Thanksgiving.
It was a much needed trip and lots of fun to drive with my honey and jam out to Pandora (Well Will might not agree completely.. he drove about 15 hrs and me only 5 for the whole round-trip. So what. I needed my beauty rest.. the guy is already goRGEOUS!
Some big events that happened down there:
We finally got to meet my baby niece Violet, aka the cutest little squirt!
(Picture stolen from Afton's fb, mine didn't do her justice..
most adorable baby you've ever laid eyes on, right? )

I got to see my closest girlfriends and catchup.
Boy everyone's growing up so fast! I love them. :)

We got to master a few new games (my family is big on board games)
and Will discovered his new love.. "Ticket to Ride".
I think we played it a whopping 3 times that whole weekend!
Maybe it will magically appear in wrapping paper under our Christmas tree this month hmm.. :)

Look up there ^ aren't they adorable?
That's our girl Metzli and her boyfriend Ryan.
We like them alot.
Speaking of Christmas.. can you believe Santa comes in 21 days!?
I love the end of the year, filled with month after month holidays and parties to boot.
A girl's gotta have her nights to dress up and snarf down a few extra cookies..
am i right or am i right?
Merry December!
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