When we moved back to Arizona, I had the naive thought that my same old friendships would all pick right back up where they left off with the people I hung around with before I was married. Well, that didn't exactly happen. I still see those awesome people from time to time but we've been so blessed to make great, new friends in our church ward and community. I've met awesome women through going to story time at the library, mommy groups on Facebook, and through mutual friends at play dates. I have loved expanding our circle of friends and it is so rewarding watching Sadie learn to interact with other kids. She mostly likes to observe still and thank goodness isn't a bully. This past week we met up with some friends at the riparian preserve (a park and pond next to the Gilbert library full of ducks, turtles, fish, etc.). We fed the ducks and then went to check out "The Soda Shop" and grab a treat afterward. Sadie dumped a glass of water on herself but didn't seem to mind since it cooled her off haha.

I love living in Gilbert and feel like it is a perfect fit for our young, active family. For the first time since we've been married, I feel a strong sense of belonging at my home ward. There are so many other young mothers and Sadie has already made a bunch of little friends. This past week I went to a girls' night at one of their houses and a workout class that some of the talented ladies in the ward take turns teaching twice a week at the church. A lot of the women are also stay-at-home moms so we brought our kids with us and brought out the nursery room toys to keep them busy. It was awesome! Some of the women in our ward also put on a fundraiser this weekend for sweet, little Capri (a 4-year-old in our ward) who has Leukemia. We were able to stop by for a little while (photo booth pictures are from the event). It was amazing to see how many people are rallying around Capri and her family. I can't imagine how scary this must be for them but her mom, Amy (my visiting teacher), bore her testimony to me of God's love and shared a few of the blessings they are finding through this trial as well. She has so much faith. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.