A couple years ago in seminary, a girl gave the idea of "Thankful Thursday". Every Thursday, she would only say "thanks" for things in her prayers. It stuck with me, and with it being Thanksgiving time too i feel like i should get out a couple of thankful....nesses. (Sometimes my thoughts sound better than my words. :] )

I'm thankful for siblings. Whether it's shooting hoops with my brothers, sharing clothes with my sister, or quoting "Saturday Night Live" with all of them around the dinner table; there isn't ever a dull moment! My little brother Chris (picture above) is my hero! He is the most loving, ready to laugh boy out there.. and ladies he's single. :]

I'm thankful for nieces and nephews. We love to color, get wet, jump on the trampolin, and play Tickle Monster. Playing with them reminds me that i'm still a kid! They are my little stress-relievers. :]

I'm thankful for silly time. Letting go of cares and worries and just being crazy! It's the best. :]

I'm thankful for gorgeous temples. I love everything about it: the beautiful flowers and reflection pools, the peace of the baptismal font, the sweet old temple workers. I can't wait until it's my time to go inside!

I'm thankful for life. The hard times that build and shape me, the exciting times when I reach a goal, the fun times when I hangout with friends, and the peaceful times when i realize life can't get much better than this.
"There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for."
What are some things that you are grateful for?