Last night our boys Jake, Jared, and Jordan won their championship volleyball game. Their team, the Knights slayed the Hawks! We owned the front row and screamed until we were all lightheaded. No embarrassment, we were loud and proud.
Best of our fan highlights:
"Next time he gets close, grab him and give him a wedgie!"-Brock
"Go back to Footlocker, ref!" -Me
"Go back to Footlocker, ref!" -Me
"How high's the net??"-Mae "Too high!"-everyone
"Kimbo!" "Slice!" -our special call for Jake :]
Plaid buddies. Love ya brock!
Today has been really chill. Lots of packing, practicing piano, and studying for my math test that's tomorrow. I can't believe I will be in AZ tomorrow, i'm so excited! A whole week with my family and friends back home. I'm loving Sexy Rex, but let's face it.. i'm a Valley girl. Shorts, flip flops, and In N Out, here I come!
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