Please stop being sick.
I know you like to lay in bed,
pop pills, and drink Vitamin C all day.
But i miss our adventures together.
Please oh please feel better soon.
Being sick isn't very fun. But it has given me a chance to catch up on chickflicks, work on homework, and shown me how blessed i am to have caring friends.

The last 2 weeks, i've been fighting a nasty cold. Just ask anyone who listened to me talk.. i promise i really do have a girl's voice! This morning was rough, so Mae took me to the Health Center to get checked out.
3 things i learned about the BYUI Health Center today:
-If you dare cough, you get the "privilege" of wearing a face mask. Most attractive accessory ever!
-Some people's backpacks weigh almost as much as them says the scale.. Hm could be the reason your in here with "back pains", lady.
-Needles and me still aren't very close friends.. but i tested negative for mono! :]
Basically, i just have a case of "extra long flu virus". The doctor's Rx for me is rest and some cold pills i have to take twice a day to push my mucus (whoever invented that word? yuck..) and sinus infection out of my system faster. I should be healthy in a few days! But until then, the Dean of Students has excused me from my classes. Hmm what to do with this extra time? Become an artist of course! Jake and Jared surprised me tonight with a paint kit, Ben and Jerry's ice cream, and a sweet original poem. They're amazing! Before they came over, Shannon, Janee, and Becca stopped by to visit. We ended up getting in a 2 hour discussion about life and how much the Gospel has helped us all out. Seriously, we are SO blessed to be at the greatest school and a part of the wonderful, true Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I love deep talks like that!
It's 2 AM, i'm pretty sure that qualifies for bed time. In the words of my fellow sick-mate Ferris Bueller, "Life moves pretty fast. You don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it." Nighty night!
Kariii! I miss you girl! I love reading your blog so dang much! It's so cute!