Sunday, April 24, 2011

How we met.. His and Hers

Her version:

It was a hot sabbath day in June in Mesa. I was running late to church and had to drive our Altima with the windows down (the air conditioning is broken.. and by that time of summer it was 100 degrees yikes!). I rolled in to the parking lot, kinda embarrased about my wind-blown messy hair and found the furthest parking spot so i could fix my hair before anybody saw me. I walked in to the building just as the Sacrament was being passed so I sat down on a couch in the foyer. A minute later, a cute boy walked in the door late too. He sat down on the same couch as me. I checked him out through the corner of my eye, wowza he was good looking! I'd grown up in that stake and knew most of the people in our singles ward through school or my siblings, so i knew this stud had to be a new comer.. I took it upon myself to be our ward's welcoming committee and asked him alittle about himself then offered to give him a tour of the building. (Which he later told me that he thought was so funny because most LDS churches are the same design.) He must have been intrigued because he followed me around for 10 minutes while I pointed out where the Bishop's office, Sunday school classes, and bathrooms were. Then I helped him find a friend (Ben Garns) that he knew in the ward and left him for my own group of friends for the rest of church.

Later that day..

When church was over, I headed out to the parking lot to leave and just guess who i ran into! Will and I were walking in the same direction in the parking lot so I yelled "Hey Will!" and he waited for me to catchup so we could walk together. Again.. he looked so cute that day! Now remember.. I had parked in the far end of the lot and was thinking he was just being a gentleman and walking me to my car when he pulled out his keys and unlocked his truck, in the parking spot next to mine! We had a good laugh at the coincidences of that day.. we were both late, both parked next to eachother, both knew the same friend.. at that point we just thought it was such a small world! God had other things in mind from these events.. :] He then asked for my number so we could maybe "hangout" before he went back home to Utah for the rest of the summer. Although we didnt hang out until 2 months later.. he made a lasting impression on me.

His Version:

So it was another scorching day in the blazing hot desert of Arizona and I was looking forward to the cool air that the church so dearly provides. I pulled into the parking lot and took the only spot I could see with a small tree providing a patch of shade. I was a little nervous to attend the new ward, because I barely knew anyone in Mesa. I was trying to hurry up because I had been running late and I stumbled into the foyer during the sacrament. I looked around as I entered and everyone was giving me a weird look except for a smiley blonde girl on the couch. I decided to take empty seat on the couch next to her. I kept checking her out as I sat there, and I wanted to do something to catch her attention, so I pulled out my scriptures and started reading them to try and impress her. She looked over at me and I gave her a friendly smile, (probably creepy like). She asked me if I was new and I told her where I was from and a little about myself. She asked me if I would like a tour of the church, of course I said yes even though everything is pretty much the same in all LDS churches and there is signs on everything. I tried to look as impressed and amazed as I could as she showed me the bathrooms, classrooms and bishops office. We flirted quite a bit and I could tell she was enjoying herself. We parted ways the remainder of the meetings and on my way out I saw her again. I thought she was the prettiest girl in the ward and wanted to somehow get her number before she left, thinking it could be the last time I would ever see her again. Coinsidently we had parked right next to each other, and as I was going towards my truck I started fumbling for me keys to give me a little more time. I looked over and noticed that she was just getting into her car and didn't seem to be trying to add time onto the clock, so I got really nervous and said something really weird and then asked her for her number. She looked a little confused, but gave it to me and I got into my truck, figuring I would never see her again. She had a certain glow about her and thought about her time to time the next two months in Utah, though we never spoke during that time.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


My poor hubby is in bed sick.. So i got to play nurse this morning.
My Rx was freshly squeezed orange juice, rest, and TLC.
I hope he recooperates fast.. i need my best buddy by my side. :]

Last night we went bowling with some of the gang.
We got to see Robert and Morgan for the first time since they got engaged!
(So adorable to see people at that stage.. can't believe me and Will were there just a few months ago! Wow time flies!)
TK and his brother "Pants" came along too.
(Funny story, Will and all of his buddies have nicknames for eachother since highschool. Will= Fresh, Zach= Kazz, Mike= Landfill, and on and on. I think it's rad.)

Throwing the famous "curve ball".

The playback:
Morgan won first, me 2nd, and the boys came in a few dozen points behind us.. Girls rule, boys drool!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Tale of Two Cities: from Mesa to Salt Lake

Temperature drop off 40 degrees, pairing a cardigan with EVERY outfit, Daylight Savings Time.. welcome to Utah! Don't get me wrong, i'm loving the wardrobe change and hot cocoa feasts and of course being with my darling dumpling hubby all of the time. :]

We've been SO blessed since we made this move. Will was able to get his first job for his newly started business in less than a week (you go baby!), I got a job at a dental lab and am loving being busy again and making new friends, and his Grandma was kind enough to let us live for Free.99 rent in her basement apartment. It's exciting starting from scratch, because i know no matter what as long as we stick together that everything will work out for the best. :] It's nice having that sense of security. Will is the absolute best!