Sunday, November 20, 2011

say cheese

Howdy strangers!
It's been a while since my last post,
but we have had one too many things on our To Do List!
I know.. excuses, excuses..

I could post about how exciting my work, and his school and job training were..
But i'd rather just post a bunch of pictures of the fun things we've done in between it all. :]

Will took me to my 2nd ever BYU game. Last time was fun, but everything is more fun with this boy.

We got some more Fall pictures taken by my sweet highschool cheer friend, Eryn! She needed models for a school project and I love pictures, so it was a win win!

We celebrated the 2nd annual Friendsgiving at Zach and Roxy's place. Will was so proud of his homemade Pilgrim hat.
I would be too.. boy's got crafty skills!

Everyone have a great short work week and a happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Dear Mom and Dad, welcome to Utah!

My parents came to visit this week hip hip hooray!

We had as much fun as you could possibly pack into a couple of nights.

We played an intense game of Phase 10, Dad and Will won.

We went for a swim at their hotel with my brother, sis-in-law, nieces and nephew.

We all found out my brother's wife Letitia is 3 months pregnant, yippee for babies! This will be their 5th, holy cow! I keep telling Will we need to catch up.. my tactics don't work on him.

Dad's birthday dinner was at Pizza Hut, that's LeSueur style dining and boy was it de-LISH!

Richard and Letitia took us on a tour of their new house. It was nice!

Last but not least, we played in the snow! 2 weeks till the Canyons opens and we can snowboard yeeahh buddy!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

deck the halls!

I know we're jumping the gun alittle.. but this weekend consisted of making stockings, drinking far too many cups of cocoa, watching Home Alone, and ice skating. I think the first snowfall of the season may have had something to do with our little Christmas buzz. The grown-up in me says "geez at least wait until after Thanksgiving!" but the little kid in me screams out "SANTTTTAAAA'SSS COMMMIIINGGGG! I know him!!!!" So obviously i've been giving into my fun side more. Merry Christmas, enjoy some pics of another fabulous weekend at the Betenson home!

He makes a mean cup of cocoa.

When you get married, you no longer date another single.. (duh)
you date couples! This was a fun one with Mike and Erika. :]

Here's a flashback to Halloween at my work. These girls are awesome!