Thursday, January 11, 2018

38 weeks

 Today I am 38 weeks + 5 days. I can't believe we're at the tail end already! I remember at 7 weeks thinking it would be an eternity before we got to meet our baby.. and here we are thinking any day now! Sadie came 4 days early, so wishful thinking is this one will be slightly early too. We'll see! I can't wait to see what she looks like, breastfeed again, and watch Sadie interact with her. I just know my heart is going to burst.

How far along: 38 weeks + 5 days
Total weight gain: 25 lbs.
Stretch marks: Faint ones starting to show
Ring on/off: On
Sleep: Few hour stretches between all of the bathroom trips
Best moment this week: My sweet friends threw me the most fun baby shower
Miss anything: Not getting winded so easily
Movement: SO much! It feels like somersaults and stretches more than kicks now.
Food cravings: SWEETS but what else is new?
Food aversions: Still greasy food
Gender: Girl
Belly button: Outie
Happy or moody: Both
Looking forward to: Hopefully meeting her next week!