Thursday, August 28, 2014

august baby

it's incredible how much of a personality sadie has developed in just 3 weeks!
we really lucked out with how mellow and content she is.
she really only puts up a fuss when we give her a bath or sometimes when getting changed.
she is becoming more alert and wide-eyed as time goes on too which is fun!
after i nurse her, she will usually be awake for a good while just looking around.
she probably isn't going to lose any of her pretty brown hair in the back either,
because we can never put her down! 

sadie likes:
-her binky, big time
-music and being sang to
-having staring contests with whoever and whatever she sees
-car rides and just being in her carrier (with her binky)
-snuggles and being swaddled
-being fed of course.. sometimes i even catch a quick smile right after

mommy likes:
- napping together in the bed
-her little grunts and coos (especially when she nurses)
-that she both nurses and takes the bottle great
-our family walks around the neighborhood
-that she sleeps through practically all noises
-that daddy is such a huge help with diaper changes 

daddy likes:
-kissing her all over
-family snuggles while we have a movie night
-picking out clothes for her
-giving her baths. it's kind of his forte. :)

this past weekend my parents came to visit again (my dad had meetings in provo).
it was a blast hanging out with them again and having more help with the baby.
while they were here, sadie experienced some more firsts:

-first swim. we took her in the hotel pool 2 days in a row, and she didn't cry once!
-first soccer game (cheering on my nephew's team).
-first time meeting cousins on the LeSueur side of the family (they adored her).
-first time to church. she slept through it all and i found the "mothers' room".

we're having the time of our lives watching you grow little bug!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

a little bit of this and that

these last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of excitement.
i have taken SOOO many pictures to document our life with sweet sadie.
here are a couple from the last few days. ahhh she is so stinkin' adorable! 

last night we went to the ogden temple open house with the young men and women in our ward.
it was sadie's first time to the temple and of course she slept through the whole thing.
it is gorgeous inside with lots of big open windows letting the light pour in.

 annndddd just for kicks and giggles, here's the last picture taken of me before the hospital.
the young women in my ward threw me a baby shower 3 days before i had sadie.
perfect timing! they even made her this beautiful quilt, and we just love it!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

mommy daughter

we haven't gotten around to taking updated family pictures yet, but those will be coming soon!
in the mean time, we have had a mini photo shoot with her daddy and one with me.
here are a few of my favorites from our mommy daughter pictures.

i've never felt so much love in my life, and i can feel that it both ways with her.
being a mom to this little girl has been a dream come true!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

the nursery

okay okay so i know i have been gushing nonstop about miss sadie.
i can't help myself, she is the best thing to happen to us!
anyway, i realized that i never posted any pictures on here of her nursery.
we had the furniture set up already in her room when i was in my 2nd trimester.
we couldn't wait to start filling up her room and making this all seem more real.
there are still a few frames that need to be filled but we'll get to those soon. :)

i took these in the very early morning so the lighting isn't the best quality.
the color scheme is mainly lavender, aqua, teal, and splashes of gold. 
it's been so nice having the extra space for her own room.
we are enjoying every bit of being her parents!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

daddy's girl

will is a tender-hearted guy and i always knew he'd make the sweetest father.
i melt every time i see him and sadie together. she knows exactly who he is.
i'm so glad i get to spend forever with these two! i'm the luckiest girl in the world!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

a week of sadie

this week has been a dream come true!
i seriously have never been more happy (and sleep deprived) in my whole life.
sadie has already experienced so much in her first week of life.
a few of the things we have introduced her to:

-breastfeeding, which she is a pro at by the way. she has been so patient with me!
-being outside. we've been walking around the block once a day since we got home.
-her own room. we decided to start from the beginning so hopefully we all sleep better.
-all of her grandparents. both of her grandmas watched her be born.
-2 of her great grandmas and her only living great grandpa.
-bath time in the sink. she isn't a fan of that yet though...
-her first pediatrician visit. her weight was back up already to her birth weight. yay!
-her doggy brothers. the 2 little ones mostly ignore her, but our lab loves to be close.
-frozen. yes, already. her cousin clara and aunt chelsea started her young. :)

and now of course.. PICTURES!

happy one week baby girl! we love you SO MUCH!